
I banchi con le rotelle dell'era covid venduti a 1 euro l'uno. Erano costati 150.
L'ennesimo disastro concepito da #Conte e dai #5Stelle. #banchiarotelle #azzolina

A #Milano dal prossimo 17 maggio al 4 novembre in dodici zone densamente frequentate nelle ore serali sarà vietato acquistare un buon #gelato o una bottiglietta d'acqua d'asporto dopo la mezzanotte. E i commercianti non ci stanno: il provvedimento è inutile e dannoso.
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The premier destination for modern art in Northern Sweden. Open from 10 AM to 6 PM every day during the summer months.

Works and Days

August 1 — December 1

Theatre of Operations

October 1 — December 1

The Life I Deserve

August 1 — December 1

From Signac to Matisse

October 1 — December 1

“Cyborgs, as the philosopher Donna Haraway established, are not reverent. They do not remember the cosmos.”

With seven floors of striking architecture, UMoMA shows exhibitions of international contemporary art, sometimes along with art historical retrospectives. Existential, political and philosophical issues are intrinsic to our programme. As visitor you are invited to guided tours artist talks, lectures, film screenings and other events with free admission

The exhibitions are produced by UMoMA in collaboration with artists and museums around the world and they often attract international attention. UMoMA has received a Special Commendation from the European Museum of the Year, and was among the top candidates for the Swedish Museum of the Year Award as well as for the Council of Europe Museum Prize.

Become a Member and Get Exclusive Offers!

Members get access to exclusive exhibits and sales. Our memberships cost $99.99 and are billed annually.

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