
#Centrisociali scatenati, grazie al supporto ideologico della #sinistra che schifa le forze dell'ordine.
Indecente questo odio verso chi ci difende ogni giorno.

Che vergogna la sinistra che sui giornali e in piazza urla slogan indecenti contro i #Carabinieri, dopo il caso #Ramy. Giù le mani dalle nostre forze dell'ordine.

Dopo i fatti di #Milano è sempre più chiaro che si moltiplicano giovani stranieri che odiano noi, il nostro modo di vivere, le donne e vorrebbero imporci l'islamismo.
Vogliono cancellarci, dobbiamo reagire. Oggi intervista su @Libero_official . #piazzaduomo


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History & PoliciesAbout us

Our Guiding Principles

We provide a whole bulk of services to ensure stable growth
  • Prioritizing the most vulnerable
  • Lowering health care costs
  • Sensible immigration reform
  • Promoting and working for democracy and diversity
  • Supporting our veterans and military families
  • Guaranteeing Civil Rights
  • Guaranteeing Women’s Rights
  • Building 21st Century Infrastructure
  • Fostering a Manufacturing Renaissance
  • Creating Good-Paying Clean Energy Jobs

PoliciesWoman's Rights

Objectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holistically predominate extensible testing procedures.
  • Prioritizing the most vulnerable
  • Lowering health care costs
  • Sensible immigration reform
  • Promoting and working for democracy and diversity
  • Supporting our veterans and military families

About usCandidate History

27 March 2015Start of New Campaign

We’ve been running data-driven voter outreach campaigns since 2004, including knocking on millions of doors to help elect President. For every voter contact campaign, quality interactions are our top priority.

12 January 20162016 Elections

We’ve helped build the small-donor membership base of some of the best and biggest progressive groups through millions of one-on-one conversations with supporters across the country.

26 April 2016Education Reform Policy Proposals

We can place trained organizers on the ground to recruit, train and manage volunteers long-term around an advocacy campaign.

Campaign EventMLK Memorial Day
Fundraising Dinner

15 January 2020
7.30 PM & 9.30 PM
Benefit Teragram Hall
395 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, NY

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